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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 北京市崇文区桃园东里15号
  • 姓名: 陈志成
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    供应尊宝音箱 D600 大陆行货

  • 所属行业:影音 音响 室内音柱
  • 发布日期:2012-04-24
  • 阅读量:239
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京  
  • 关键词:

    供应尊宝音箱 D600 大陆行货详细内容

    本公司代理各种品牌音箱:Bose音箱  JBL音箱 普乐之声音箱  天朗音箱  杰士音响  尊宝音箱  威力登音箱等 还有功放 DVD 投影机 投影布 卡拉OK点歌机 多家代理授权 产品齐全  价格高中低  这里是你选择家庭影院 hifi音响 av音箱的较好地方.您还等什么呢 .快来买吧!   
    联系电话:010-67223621  010-67223721
    Q  Q 
    ↓ 详细说明
    JAMO D 600 LCR
    System Type 3 Way closed 
    Woofer (mm/in) 2 x 165 mm / 6½” 
    Midrange (mm/in) 2 x 76 mm / 3" 
    Tweeter (mm/in) 25 mm / 1" DTT 
    Power (W, long/short term) 200W / 300W 
    Sensitivity (dB, 2.8V/1m) 89 
    Frequency Range (Hz) 80 – 20.000 Hz 
    Crossover Frequency 400 / 2.500 Hz 
    Impedence (Ohm) 4 
    Weight (kg/lb) 13 kg 
    Overall dimensions (mm/in, HxWxD) 393 x 645 x 229 mm 
    Finishes Charcoal grey
    D 600 SUR 环绕声音箱
    Surround Speakers for the D 600 THX Home Theater System
    Imagine you can experience the awesome sound quality heard in the best cinemas worldwide – in the comfort of your own home. The discreet yet powerful Jamo D 600 home theater system is built and approved to the same standards as the best movie theaters in the world - namely THX.
    Consisting of carefully designed elements with advanced technology, these speakers are able to reproduce the same powerful and detailed sound normally found in live performances or at the best cinemas. At the same time, the D 600 system is elegant and discreet, fashioned in a modern style that easily blends with the interiors of most modern homes.
    State-of-the-Art Technology
    Jamo has developed driver units specifically for this high-end THX Ultra 2 system. Identical drivers used in both the LCR and surround-speakers result in perfect balance, and a 15”/1600W subwoofer equipped with Motional Feedback ensures dynamic, detailed and precise reproduction of even the lowest spectrum. The subwoofer is equipped with a unique touch interface, giving the user a variety of settings
    System Type 3 Way closed dipole 
    Woofer (mm/in)
    欢迎来到北京华语视听商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市北京市崇文区桃园东里15号,联系人是陈志成。 主要经营家庭影院 音箱 功放 投影机 投影布 卡拉OK。 单位注册资金未知。 我司将会一直坚持“一质量求生存 以信誉求发展“的宗旨。将以更高的企业服务回馈朋友们的支持和厚爱,并竭诚欢迎您的惠顾。